Welcome to the second to last eviction ceremony of the season!
This round, Matt and Neda have been nominated for possible eviction, and tonight, one of them will be the 21st evicted from the Big Brother Rise & Fall AS2 house!
Zach, when you are ready, please cast the sole vote to evict either matt or Neda.
Matt & Neda, I have had A LOT of ups and downs with both of you for the duration of this game. You were both good allies and frustrating enemies at different points. As it stands right now one of you has been an enemy of mine more recently whereas the other has blossomed into an ally. I know I was going to be evicted for sure if one of you won this veto so with that being said~
Nah it's all good. I have absolutely no idea what Kat and all dem saw in RNF8 that made them choose me for AS2, but I'm really glad they did. I made a ton of new friends (and only like 26 enemies this season, not bad). Thank you to the hosts, for putting on a stellar game, and not letting weird ass controversy get in the way. This season was action packed and phenomenal, and you're the ones who deserve all the praise for that.
Gracias to the Housecalls for putting up with me lol. Nick, you're a really cool guy. Game wise you've been a bit sloppy, but you're still in the game and I'm not, so who the hell am I to say something like that, right? Neda, you're awesome. You're a bit scary and intimidating, but you're awesome
Zach, as I open up a bottle of alcohol to make my night a bit better, no hard feelings. yadda yadda yadda. I feel like Kaysar right now, getting evicted on my birthday lol. I've already chatted with you, so I don't think I'll go in and start repeating myself and stuff.
Good game, everyone! Thank you to everyone for being so nice and kind to me, especially when I was clueless for about 93% of the game. Time to head to the jury house where Heather and Keith are patiently waiting with a couple of baseball bats.