I hate how he calls himself Judas but then he's like, I'd throw away my game for this girl!! Don't you have a girlfriend back home? Lol he was one of my favs early on but his stock is dropping fast.
They gave Jeff a pretty positive edit. I don't really have an opinion on him but heard he was bad on the feeds?
My fave part in the dr with the twins was when Julia was filling Liz in on things going on in the house and Liz kept interrupting her "can you hold this?" "Did you do our laundry?"
I don't mind Vanessa? She kinda went on a power trip this week but so did Shelli during her reign. Apparently Vanessa is yacked up on adderall so it makes sense she's acting the way she is.
I rly hate Clay, his arrogance, and his entire side minus Liz/Julia, yet I'm rooting for them because the other half of the house is even worse /boring/non-existent idk. Audrey being an exception cuz I do like her a lot.
Jeff looked gross, I'm glad he'll be gone from my screen the rest of the summer.