Woke up and saw Mike & Sofia HOH and I was like well fuck I could be going up. Talked to Candice and she told me that Neda/Hayley and Her/Ash were going on the block and Mike wants to BD Ryan or Heaven (I'm all for that). I'm not sure what Sofia will be doing but hopefully not me. I will be a slave for them if they keep me safe :~)
bombed so hard in that veto oh my god I have never done so poorly on a maze before I am embarrassed for myself. I definitely did not win. My goal is not to be last because my god I don't want to look that terrible in front of everyone
Hi I know you are probably waiting on my vote to evict. I do want to talk a little about it. There are definitely pros and cons of keeping Shilpa and that is basically what I have been forced to look at this round. Keeping shilpa is a strong number against Sofia and that is great and all but that isn't what my entire game is about. I think I make more enemies and make myself a bigger target with keeping Shilpa than if I do evicting her. Plus she is totally connected in this game and someone I would likely leave against if I was on the block beside her. If she was a guaranteed promised win HOH then yes maybe but the bottom line is that the votes just aren't there to keep her and I can't put my neck out this much without knowing what twist is coming next. I will cast my vote soon I just have to break it to her and feel the wrath from that. oh yay fun allstars wooo