Um. I'm SO irritated. I hope she's doing this to annoy us because the alternative makes no sense... ESPECIALLY coming from her. If she's actually serious, it's obvious that she's trying to have an excuse to scurry right back into Zach's arms. It's nauseating.
Heaven is prob gonna move on to round 4 and face off against Shilpa or Chris. I can see Shilpa beating Chris tbh I think she is overall stronger than Chris. It would be interesting to see her come back but Chris told me that he has kept tabs on the game so I'm interested in how he would play if he were to win the final round.
I'm sad that the journey is over for most of the players I like the prejury ha
I'm surprised Ash didn't throw it to Christine actually. Rooting for his now though!
I felt bad for Christine bc she found 3 keys and then couldn't find the last one. She must have moved it when moving the hay lol I thought Ash was throwing it too but he literally clutched it. Ash and Christine were so cute <3
Anyway sorry to break it to you but Heaven crushed Ash lol