I'm loling that Nick's HoH reign was a fail again. This time he didn't even need a special veto to fuck it up, just Sofia and the bottom feeders over throwing the people in power Nick is going to be pissed but I think Keith leaving is a huge positive for him. Especially if he ends up nominated next to Heather.
Sofia is the star of the show, and Boog is the CPP edgic star of the show. #Bofia for best duo!
Yesss it's official, Brian voted Keith, Zach locked his vote. Ahaha this is perfect, 3-3-2 with Keith leaving and people will be CONFUSED ahahaha lolol. First time I love Matt in this game!
Everyone will be so shocked/surprised lmao, like even Neda and Candice will be surprised I think. Zach/Nick/Sofia lol they'll all be "what" lol.
I died at heaven's latest confessional. I think it's gross that Neda told her she wants to shit in her mouth, but idk why I can't stop laughing. I need help.
alol I love how it was okay for Matt to be a floater when he did what they wanted. Godney forbid Matt play his own game And I don't care how mad they are about him lying. Even if he didn't they would still be pissed off and would have nagged him to change his vote until the cows came home. It's so obnoxious! Also Heather nominated him, so why is it so terrible that he didn't do what they wanted? SMH I can't with the entitlement.