Zach and Heather totally went for Veto instead of HoH. If they did then they let me down so bad. First last week claiming they could control Matt's vote. I told them I'd rather put Matt up and out since if I did Keith, Matt would probably keep Boog but they were confident they had Matt
Now I needed to rely on them for HoH and they likely went for Veto and probably even blocked me from getting it. So sloppy. DISAPPOINTED IN YOU TWO! I'm gone this week for sure. Joining an official thing with Zach/Heather/Memphis when we were already watching each others' backs anyway was the absolute worst thing for my game, I dunno why they felt the need to make it a solid group. Our moves were too coordinated after that. I was much more comfortable playing the middle and doing my own thing
I think at this point my only hope is that when two of me/Zach/Heather go up, the third got lucky and won Veto and uses it on one of the others. Then Boog puts up...Brian? Ryan or Heaven? Probably Brian. Being a final nom against Heaven/Ryan would be my only chance
Boog and Neda are on Skype and Neda's secretly telling me info. Boog's targeting me as expected. I get it, but it's not even smart to. It's smarter for her to go after one of Heather or Zach since they're the ones with the strong connections to Heaven/Zach and Brian. Boog will be super shortsighted and go after me for pure revenge tho. She probably has a Janelle gif all queue'd up
Candice is infuriating. Neda told me that it was her against Boog/Candice on Skype. Neda pointed out how illogical it is to target me over one of Heather/Zach/Heaven/Ryan, but Candice was all NICK IS SHADY THO with Boog. It's disappointing because I didn't wanna put Candice up last round which would've ensured Boog left
If I could talk to Candice I think I could get her back on my good side which might go a long way this week. Apparently she's really busy today and I'll have company from tonight until...the end of the eviction. So now Skype campaigning for me which sucks because I think I'm way more convincing on Skype
It'll be me/Heather noms and I'm sure I'll leave. Gonna try whatever I can but it's not looking good
Boog is such a Sofia Jr. try-hard. She's been insanely cocky the last couple of days and takes things way too personally and emotionally. It'll be her downfall fursuuuurrrrre
Heather did the same bid as me. I knew my bid was risky and dumb but I can't believe she went all in for veto. She knew how important HOH was this round. VRY frustrating!
In Heather's campaigning to Matt she told him I wouldn't go after the trio if I won. PLEASE! I'm the most anti trio person left easily. Heather's been protecting 2/3 of them
Eviction reaction from super early this morning + discussing my campaigning. The video cut off at the end but I was just rambling on anyway
Cannot believe I stayed. I thought I'd follow my season six pattern of targeted by biggest player one round then flop HoH the next round then finally evicted the next round. VERY glad that didn't happen!
I'm not used to being in this position in games at all. I'm having to sell to people that I'm burning bridges everywhere and making enemies and could be beat in the end easily. In the games I do well in I'm used to being in control and one of the top dogs throughout the season, so this is super new for me but I'm perfectly okay with it haha. It's gonna take a few more miracles for me to keep squeaking by so I'm just gonna keep doing and saying whatever the hell I need to in order to wiggle my way into better positions. Right now my biggest strength is definitely campaigning and getting through to people
Even though I've been in a shitty spot lately, this is the most fun I've had in the game since early on. Facing danger over and over and trying to beat the odds has been a blast
I'm gonna block her as much as possible. Sadly I think everyone else is too afraid to sandwich her posts between mine. These people have to take risks and stop playing it so safe if they wanna win