Me vs. Zach on the block soon. Blessing in disguise??? Maybe. We'll see
I've tried to set myself up so that I'd stay over Zach if noms stick. Zach can win PoV tho and then Brian goes up. I SHOULD have Zach/Neda in that scenario but you never know. They're my top two allies and yet I feel safer if it's me/Zach final noms. Matt would be smart to evict Zach over me too, he just nominated him twice
WE SHALL SEE! Vry nervous. The vomit that I failed to throw up when I was sicker this morning is creeping its way back up due to this game
NAW BOOG, maybe next time. She was just blindsided hardcore. I should've been a douche and sent her the Janelle too bad so sad gif that she sent to me but NO SIR I'M ABOVE THAT! (not rly)
Candice was probably gloating so hard in Jury because she said during her campaigning that if Boog wins HoH this round then I'm fucked in a vote over Zach or Brian. Sorry to disappoint you Candice but I was busy taking care of that!
Gr8 feeling. These eviction survivals continue to be the most stressful but most fun that I'm having
Neda with 2/44 is a highlight of the season without a doubt
I swear if Matt wins. That would be the worst. Might be the only way I leave this round. He noms Zach and I, Zach wins Veto, Matt and Boog evict me. I CAN'T STOMACH IT!
lol Boog trying to throw me under the bus right now. Zach's telling me everything she's saying. While I was working to stay last night Neda needed excuses to tell Boog why she was keeping me and the major one was that I'd probably turn on Zach soon. First thing Boog does when Zach wins HoH is to run and tell him that in a desperate attempt
I told Zach I was saying that to them a bit though so it shoulddddd be fine. Naturally it'll be in the back of his mind tho but I'm sure it was already, he'd be silly if the thought hasn't crossed his mind that I'd consider cutting him
Her campaigning wasn't the best. She didn't do a whole lot to make me wanna keep her. She tried to make a F2 with Zach like, as soon as the tie went up. Sloppy
I got on Skype with her last night but it was too difficult to talk endgame through (in terms of booting Zach) since she threw me under the bus to him at the start of this round. I straight up told her that I couldn't really say too much to her about wanting Zach to leave since Zach sold her out to me about that
The "thanks for not ignoring me" part of her speech sounds sarcastic but it's not, I actually talked to the evictee this time!!! shoutout2Candice. Zach was actually the one hiding on invisible last night and refusing to answer her when she wanted to campaign to him while I got on Skype with her. I said something like "I'm pretty sure Zach is invisible" so that she'd get mad that he was hiding from her but idk if she took note or anything
F4 YIPPEE! Me vs Neda vs Matt in this HoH. If I lose this one..... I have no excuse but I'll try to come up with one anyway
I looked at past seasons and usually no one seems to get them all right. I didn't see anyone who did. And now I got them all right but Zach does too OFC! I switched methods halfway through and the new one worked a lot faster. Should've done it from the start, I think I could've beat him
He should be evicting Matt unless he's too suspicious/paranoid about Neda and I being together
Zach joked about Neda being my true F2. HE KNOWS MAN HE KNOWS. Probably not hard to figure out since I got her on my side so easily during the live eviction. There have been plenty of little clues along the way supporting Neda and myself being tight. I'm not too worried about it tho, at this point it doesn't matter much unless Zach wins F3 HoH and evicts me for having ~someone else~ who isn't him. Or if he decides to keep Matt and evict her buuuuuuuut (sorry neda) that wouldn't even be the worst for me (:
AYYYYYYYY me chilling in the middle of my two F2's!
Yet another person heads to the Jury with bad things to say about me . MY GAME MAY BE SLOPPY MATT BUT AT LEAST I HAD A GAME! I'm happy to see him finally gone. He was coming for me from round two onward, every round I heard something about him trying to get me out. He's a nice guy but he was such a mosquito for me all season