brian is doing a great job handling his HOH reign. First he tells me that im up cuz i dont talk to ppl n ppl told him to do this and now he is telling hayley that everyone in our house dislikes her... like way to go buddy, great job throwing literally everyone under the bus to get blood off your hands. dumbass.
I know I said I was going to do my house assessment in video BUT I LIED OK. I do promise a video sooooooon
boog: Bless her she is a goddess queen marcia omg stan her so hard and you all should too.
Brian: WHERE DO I EVEN START ON THIS FUCKTARD. I am currently reading s7's hosuecalls and glad to know 90% of the people in there disliked him then. He is literally so fucking stupid idk what goes through his mind but god damn he needs a brain. FUNNY HIS NAME IS BRIAN AND THAT IS ALMOST BRAIN WHICH HE DOES NOT HAVE. fucking PAB. POTATO AS FUCK.
Brittany: omg love her! I feel really close to her and I have really late night talks with her and it's great. Neda confided in me that she and Memphis know each other as memphis recruited her to play s7? So definitely going to watch out for that.
christine: I personally love christine. She is actually one of my best friends in ORGs. We come from the same twitter gaming community, I've met him in person once and he just lost a twitter game (came 2nd) where he deserved to win. GM was in that season too and got 3rd. She is my ride or die this season and I know she will have my back in this game. AND IF SHE DON'T I KNOW WHERE SHE LIVES I WILL CUT HER
danielle: Potato. Literally can not hold a conversation for more than 5 minutes idk what it is about this girl but my god she is so fucking boring.
hayley: I personally really like Hayley and I think she likes me too and would keep me around in future rounds but we are on the block together and I really want to win that veto and for her to lose it. She will likely be the first boot out of our house and it sucks.
heather: She is really sweet and we have some good convos. I know she has played iSurvivor once upon a time but I do not know anything of her. I feel like she is one of these people who has many friends in this game.
memphis: We talk about Britney Spears a lot and made a request playlist to be added to the mix. He's cool but I'm not that close with him.
Mike Dutz: His last name says it all. He a dutz. Potato and not that really enjoyable to talk to rip haven't talked to him in 3 days because he is never online. I heard he is good at endurance comps tho
Neda: Love Neda. She is such a troll and is probably just trolling everyone in this game but I love her. She is so god damn funny. We had a really long talk last night that was totally not game related at all where we compared funny grindr stories and talked about our pets. I read in season 7 she went by Amber?? idk if she is a girl or not but wouldn't surprise me bcz she is a troll. We made a little bit of an alliance though.
Shoutout to the people I love in other houses: Candice my bae, Christopher, Shilpa, Zach. Casey & Ash too but more-so I knew them before the game started.
Hit the like button for more fun thoughts from ur girl Boog(er)
also i kinda want to win the next HOH to shove it up PAB's dumb ass. I think if I up my social game just a little bit I can avoid the block with whoever wins HOH tho