but also what i found out is that heather is manipulative!!! she took things out of context and suddenly tells me boog/ash wanted me out even tho ash RAILED into matt.
also she told me that nicole having friends 'cemented' her decision!!! so she was considering evicting me
lol so ash a couple nights ago was like "keith im gonna go to hayley to backdoor heaven and im like NOOOO THEY ARE FRIENDS" but lol he tells everyone this is his plan anyways.
then he gets himself nominated and wants to throw b/c he feels like he has a better shot than christine. i tell him, ok not smart but also DUMBER for announcing it. his response: "I would rather be voted out than be a floater".
im like lol ok idiot, you're already a floater b/c you have 2 allies/24 people and you dont talk to anyone else. he's like "i only wanna talk to people that i like"
he's infuriating but im glad that he'll be around to evict himself immediately
ash seems to also trust me more than most, and with heaven staying in power it makes it more likely that noms wont change especially with ika's rant
so looks like keith is fine for another week which is all u guyz really care about
he is so non-committal when i ask him for his vote and then tells me "looks like things are looking up for you keith " like because im on the block ppl wont talk to me and he is my only means of communication with the rest of the house
then he talks about ash throwing BOTB like ash is some puppet master trying to knock out the other King on the chess board. like no brian, he threw the challenge to save christine and dethrone heaven. you were just there.