Welcome to the sixth Head of Household! Tonight's competition is called "Rainbow Pyramid". We be throwing it back to S9!
As we all know that you love posting so here is a simple competition. You and your partner are required to build an 11 layered pyramid using different colours. You are only allowed to add a block (rectangle) in every new post. You and your partner also need to take turns in posting.
Post #1 Kat:
Post #2 Shir:
Post #3 Kat:
Post #4 Shir:
and so on
You will be provided the 11 different blocks which you must only use once per layer and the same colour must never touch. Once you have done that, to finish the competition, you and your partner will need to tag eachother [@houseguest] at the top. The partners to do this in the fastest time will be the new Head of Households. #Zeaven will not be competing due to being outgoing HOHs. Remember there is a 10 sec wait between posts and it is recommended to prepare your posts!
The blocks:
Rules: - It must be centered - You cannot make the thread beforehand - You may not edit or delete. If you make a mistake, just post again - You're not allowed to use the proboards app
If you fail to follow these simple rules, your submission won't count. Simple as that!
When we say they can't touch, it means in the final product. so if you finished posting the first layer and you begin the next one, a coloured block might touch the same colour along the way to it's "final destination." that's fine.
for instance, layer 1 is done:
second layer begins
as you can see, purples are touching when the second layer begins, but once it reaches it's final destination, they no longer do. THIS is okay.