1. Whose gameplay did you respect the most? zach has pretty solidly avoided being in danger for the whole game and that's pretty fucking impressive 2. What was the funniest moment in the house? neda. just neda in general 3. Which two houseguests would make a good showmance? me and boog OBVIOUSLY bc she is the bae-est bae who ever baed 4. What was the most shocking moment in the house? ryAN NOT GETTING EVICTED OVER HAYLEY???/? 5. What was the fatal error you made in the house? lying to heather over skype about telling nick/zach about the supposed alliance that never actually existed (me/heather/shilpa/casey) 6. What was the worst move of the game? evicting casey 7. Who needed a reality check? fUcKInG ME 8. Who was the most annoying houseguest? i fking love her but neda worked my last goddamn NERVE sometimes good god 9. Which houseguest deserved their eviction? ash gave me douchechills