I've got nothing against making a video or audio thing or whatever for stuff, it's just bad timing. Besides, I'm in the middle of watching Ink Master anyway, lol.
Ok. Just so you guys know, questions will have to be posted no later than tomorrow. We'd like for all votes to be in by Saturday early evening. Finale at night.
I will go to the library tomorrow so I can write them up on a computer instead of struggling to do it with no internet and on a phone.
After seeing Nick's video answers and stuff, I can understand it coming across as rambling for sure. I understand him not wanting to sound like he's trying to discredit everything Zach did, but it sort of gave the tone of him saying how Zach played well for almost the first 3 minutes. Also, I get what his intention is with answers and stuff, I just don't know if it's quite working out like he'd hoped at the moment.
I'm more interested their plans in a world where the trio stayed in than what they have to say about each other. Does nick discuss that in those videos?
Keith it did not come across as a bootlist. You actually wrote "I vote _____ to win" after I posted that thread about not being able to change your vote. If it was a bootlist, why didn't you list it how you normally did? i.e 1. Shir 2. Kat
Sorry Keith but we're gonna accept that as your vote and locking your thread.