I'm so happy Zach made final 2! He deserved it with how great he's played all game and judging from the jury answers, he should have no problem winning
I'd be happy with either one winning, but I'll get PISSED if people don't at least acknowledge what a great "in game" game Nick played. His was the best imo. But if he loses, it's cuz he lacked jury management and it's his own fault.
Yeah, he needs to be credited for his remarkable social game. He did amazing at controlling people outside of his core group to keep him safe. His issue will just be that he burned them on the way out.. In unnecessary ways oftentimes. I'm sure we'll see some discrediting towards him but it will likely be from bitterness that they can see past.
It definitely seems like the jurors are leaning towards Zach but I hope it is a close vote because both deserve to win. Nick is good with his words so I could see him swaying some votes. I reckon he should def use the g0/trio thing against Zach to his advantage. It's not Zach's fault but he did benefit the most from it so it could get him some votes lol It would be a bit dirty but the gloves are off @ the F2
imo Zach benefited a lot from g0 being the trio. Nick deserves it a lot more for that reason, but I'll reiterate what I said a while back that I just find it hard to root for Shadow because of his attitude in AS1.
Well I don't think that AS1 has anything to do with this game. They're separate and he played as two different characters. As for the trio thing. I agree that he benefitted the most. Everything would be different. But then again, everyone had the exact same opportunity to work with the trio. If they had made the efforts, the uno would have protected them too. It wasn't like he knew this was going on so as it relates to the trio being in this game, it was an even playing field.
I don't discredit Zach for using the trio thing because I believe I would've done the same thing given their "comp ability". it's better to be with them then against them in a large numbered cast
It has less to do with him using the trio, and more to do with the fact g0 was the trio and she was gonna protect him because they are close. The rest of the players may not have known that but doesn't mean it isn't true.
Also I find AS1 to be relevant because he didn't care then because of his character. Imo a series is a series and you shouldn't care more just because of who you're playing as.